Start date: 2024
Award: £31,587
Status: Active
What issue does this study address, and how could the results help patients?
It is recognised that placing objects into the anus risks damage to the bowel and anal muscles, with the limited evidence available demonstrating an association between anal intercourse and faecal incontinence. The incidence of anal intercourse in young women is increasing, presumably in part due to the wider availability of internet pornography. However anal intercourse is a taboo subject, leading to a dearth of research and a paucity of healthcare-related information. This potentially presents a significant public health issue which is not being addressed.
The research team will assess the anal function of women who are occupationally exposed to anal intercourse in order to gather data on the risks of damage to the anal sphincters.
The research team
This study is led by Miss Lesley Hunt at the Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
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