Diverticular disease is a common problem.
Although present in only 10% of people under 40 years of age in the UK, over 50% of the population aged over 50 years are affected. This rises to 70% by 80 years of age.*
The consequences can be devastating – but most people have never heard of it, and it remains something of a mystery even to those who have it – and their Doctors.
That’s why Bowel Research UK has awarded £30,000 to launch an international research project to better understand diverticular disease. The team have now recruited over 130 hospitals, covering every continent – just look at the map below!
*Colonic Diverticular Disease – Royal College of Surgeons
Related Research
- DAMASCUS II study: Diverticulitis Management A Snapshot Collaborative Study
- Improving outcomes for older people undergoing emergency bowel surgery
- Reducing deaths after emergency surgery for older people & frail patients
The fear of the unknown was the hardest part, it was out of my hands and I had no control over the situation. A patient discusses the effects of diverticular disease at a DAMASCUS PPI event
DAMASCUS is an international, prospective study aiming to investigate the international variability in the presentation and index management of acute diverticulitis, and whether there is an association between index management and short and medium-term clinical outcomes including the readmission or re-intervention rates over the subsequent six months. DAMASCUS is a trainee-led study with local consultant support.
Data collection for DAMASCUS will start in October 2020. Your hospital can take part in this international project aiming to improve the management of diverticular disease. If you are a researcher and would like your hospital to join, please click the link below and fill in the REDCap registration.