
What is the People and Research Together programme?

Bowel Research UK involves people affected by bowel conditions at all stages of our People and Research Together programme: from telling us what the priorities for research should be to help shape our research strategy, to selecting which research applications we have received should be funded, to guiding researchers in external projects.

We are always looking for new members to join our nationwide network of individuals from all walks of life who share an interest in bowel disease and who are willing to be involved in planning, developing, and participating in bowel research studies. Studies have shown that involving people in this way strengthens the success of research projects, too, making them better value for money. 

Why should I join the People and Research Together network?

People with experience of a bowel condition, service users, and members of the public can all help to improve research into bowel disease and bowel cancer.

Involving people affected by bowel conditions allows us to be a part of projects that are funded by others, which means that the expertise that people with bowel disease have from living with the condition can be used to influence much more research than we are able to fund ourselves.

To be involved you do not need to be a patient or have any medical knowledge but you do need to be enthusiastic about helping tackle some of the most serious and distressing diseases affecting the bowel.

“Taking on the role of Patient Lead was one of my highlights of last year. It has proved very stimulating to work with a start-up project that will provide better diagnostic tools for bowel conditions. I act as the link between the patient panel and the project. We are a group of patients from around the country with IBD as the common link. As Patient Lead, I act as the link with the project team and the patients that will eventually be monitored by the new tools. It enables me to provide feedback, in both directions, on the project objectives, progress, and patient concerns.”

Nigel Horwood, Patient Lead, Motilent

How do I join People and Research Together?

You can participate simply by joining in with online consultations on research ideas and reading and commenting on materials for patients in trials. If you are interested in how research studies happen, then you can join advisory groups for trials, and even sit on Trial Steering Groups.

Your level of involvement is entirely up to you – all you have to do to get started is to complete the form and we will be in touch.

If you are a researcher who wishes to involve members of the public in your research you can get in touch by filling out this form. If you are a patient or a member of the public, you can join the PaRT network here.

What will I be involved in?

All of the people who help us shape, fund, and guide research have joined us as members of the People and Research Together (PaRT) network. As part of this role, amongst other things, we ask them to:

  • shape our research strategy by deciding which questions are most important to people with bowel conditions, and what research will have the biggest impact on their quality of life
  • review applications for funding that we receive from researchers
  • work with politicians, healthcare professionals and NHS decision-makers to disseminate our research results and promote discussion amongst diverse audiences
  • work with researchers to design research projects
  • participate in focus groups, interviews or surveys to share their perspective as someone living with bowel cancer or bowel disease

A few words from our Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Manager:

“As patients are those who benefit from new approaches to treatment and care, it’s important that they influence research. We support researchers with including patients throughout the research process to ensure studies produce effective solutions for those they seek to help.”

Sam Alexandra Rose, Patient and Public Involvement Manager

Join the PaRT Network

We are really pleased you are interested in joining our PaRT Network. Please complete the form below to join and receive information on the latest opportunities to get involved with research. The questions marked with an asterisk(*) are required. While many questions are optional, providing more information will open up more opportunities to get involved.

If you have any problems with filling out the form or you would like to update your details, please email part@bowelresearchuk.org.

* indicates required

Are you:

Which of the below have you had personal experience with?
Please tick all that apply

Which conditions or areas are you interested in?
These may or may not be conditions you have experienced personally.

What is your ethnic group?
Please select all the options that best describe your ethnicity or background, e.g. you could select Black African and White British if this best reflects your identity.

This could be for either in-person or virtual meetings
Have you had any previous research experience?
Please note that previous experience is not a requirement for joining the PaRT network

Are there any activities you would particularly like to be involved in?
Please note this is not an extensive list of opportunities


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