
PaRT for Researchers

“I just wanted to say a big thank you for sharing our opportunity about bowel cancer screening over the last few weeks. We’ve had a significantly higher level of interest than we were initially projecting and it’s as a result of you sharing with your network on social media and in the newsletter, which is fantastic!”
– Alys Arnold, Voice® Community Manager, Newcastle University

We believe it is vital that people with bowel conditions, and their carers, are given the opportunity to influence and participate in research, and there is increasing evidence of the significant impact that involving people can have.

It ensures that the right research is done and that the research is done right. That is why we coordinate patient and public involvement activities through our People and Research Together(PaRT) network.

We aim to make it easier for researchers to involve people in their research studies. Public involvement in your research will have the following benefits:

  • Improved chances of funding success
  • Enhanced study design and recruitment
  • Relevant research that has an impact

We believe that researchers benefit from public involvement in research because the process helps them to pinpoint what is important to people with a particular bowel condition, and helps with vital understanding about what it feels like to have a serious bowel condition or to be part of the care support system for those living with such conditions.

Public involvement in your research means that it will be of a higher quality and will help you attract more respondents willing to take part. It is increasingly recognised that by involving members of the public this will increase the chances of obtaining funding and therefore making a real impact on the lives of the people your research is aiming to improve.

Our PaRT network is valuable to you because it gives access to an unbiased population that is independent, so can input into your research project as a critical friend, rather than being in the position of a grateful patient. The dynamic is vastly different.

Our PaRT network can connect researchers to people willing to participate in a variety of roles. If you would like people affected by bowel conditions to be involved in your research or to participate in your study, we can help by:

  • leading on PPI for the duration of a project
  • acting as co-applicants on a research project
  • reviewing funding applications and lay summaries
  • joining as members of a project advisory board or steering group
  • commenting on and developing patient information sheets, leaflets or other research materials
  • co-ordinating focus groups
  • supporting the dissemination of the research outputs to a lay audience

Bowel Research UK works in partnership with a group of over 1,000 patients, all of whom have expressed an interest in getting involved in research. With this group and a strong network of wider supporters, we are uniquely positioned to support funding applications (to Bowel Research UK and other funders), and have experience of involving patients in a wide range of research activities.

We would welcome the opportunity to discuss ways in which we can support your work and ensure the needs and priorities of patients are met.

“As patients are those who benefit from new approaches to treatment and care, it’s important that they influence research. We support researchers with including patients throughout the research process to ensure studies produce effective solutions for those they seek to help.”

– Sam Alexandra Rose, Patient and Public Involvement Manager

If you are a researcher who wishes to involve members of the public in your research, get in touch here.

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