
Bowel Research UK Funding Application Success Rates

Bowel Research UK is funding life-changing research into bowel cancer and other bowel diseases. We have multiple open grants rounds throughout the year, including small grants, PhDs and special calls for our partnership charity PORT.

All of our funding decisions are made on the basis of scientific quality and success rates vary over time due to the quality of proposals received, levels of funding available and demand from the research community.

Nov 2020

Small Grants – 6/13 grants were successful: 46%

PhDs – 10/17 grants were shortlisted: 59%

January 2021

Inaugural Small Grants – 14/49 grants were shortlisted: 28.6%

April 2021

PhDs – 4/10 grants were successful: 40%

July 2021

Inaugural Small Grants – 8/14 grants were successful: 57%

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