The gut microbiome is an incredibly exciting, emerging area of science. We know the vast ecosystem of bacteria, fungi and viruses in our gut affects our wider health and susceptibility to all sorts of disease – but researchers have only just begun to scratch the surface of how to harness its life-changing and even life-saving potential. It is said that “We know more about outer space than we do about the microbes in the human gut.”

Scientists, doctors are at the beginning of their understanding of the human gut microbiome and it will only be through high quality research that they will begin to realise the huge potential of understanding the gut microbiome’s relationship to human health.

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Bowel Research UK is announcing a bespoke grants round. The charity is wanting to raise £250,000 to invest in world-class innovative research into the gut microbiome, during 2024 / 2025. This equates to 1 PhD and 3 small proof of principle grants but the more funds we can raise, the more research we will be able to fund in this important area. Funders will have the opportunity for an ongoing relationship with the researchers for the duration of the project and will receive regular updates.

Scientists believe that, from birth, the gut microbiome is linked to virtually every aspect of our health. From the wellbeing of our gut itself, to impacts on diseases like bowel cancer and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), the strength of our immune system and even has links to our central nervous system and brain function. However, at present there is more that we don’t know about the microbiome than what is known for certain.

This means research is essential to enable scientists to address the gaps in our knowledge and begin to develop revolutionary treatments into bowel cancer, IBD and other diseases.

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If you are donating over £1000 please use the following methods to avoid fees.

To donate by BACS transfer, please email 

To donate by cheque, please send to:

Bowel Research UK

The Royal College of Surgeons

38-43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields

London WC2A 3PE

To speak to a member of the team, telephone:

020 3540 8694

Thank you for your support.


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