
The Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland

Bowel Research UK is proud to work alongside the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland – the ACPGBI. The ACPGBI is a group of 1000+ surgeons, nurses, and allied health professionals who advance the knowledge and treatment of bowel diseases in Britain and Ireland.

The association produces its own journal, Colorectal Disease, in close association with Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. The first edition was published in January 1999 and now it is the premier European journal in this field.

ACPGBI initiates, supports, and collaborates on a number of research and audit projects, including multi-centre trials and observational studies through workstreams within its ‘Delphi’ research programme based on research priorities selected by its members.

You can find out more about by visiting the ACPGBI website.

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