
Lindsay Easton


Lindsay Easton is Chief Executive of Bowel Research UK. She is responsible for the overall leadership and management of the charity.

Lindsay joined Bowel Research UK on 1st May 2024.  Her experience spans more than 25 years in the charity sector, including six-years as CEO for Brain Research UK.

Her previous senior fundraising and marketing roles included posts at Action for Children, Amnesty International Australia, British Heart Foundation, Young Lives vs Cancer and Diabetes UK.

Glen Saffery

Trusts & Impacts Manager

Glen works in the fundraising team and is responsible for coordinating income generation activities including our relationships with Trusts and Foundations.

Sam Alexandra Rose

Patient and Public Involvement Manager

Sam Alexandra Rose is the Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Manager for Bowel Research UK. Before joining in January 2023, Sam provided online marketing support to Bowel Research UK while working at digital agency SilverDisc, which continues to support the charity.

Sam is a three-time cancer survivor with constitutional mismatch repair deficiency (CMMRD), a rare genetic condition related to Lynch syndrome that increases cancer risk. She is currently undertaking her PhD, exploring her cancer experiences through creative writing. She therefore brings her patient perspective, academic practice, and over ten years of digital marketing experience to her role. Read more about her bowel cancer experience in her Getting To Know interview.

Georgia Sturt

Research and Grants Manager

Georgia Sturt worked in the commercial cancer treatment space for five years prior to joining Bowel Research UK as Research & Grants Manager. She is responsible for the coordination of grant reviews and funding approvals, connecting with researchers, and communicating the results of their work to the charity’s supporters and the wider public.

Nicole Naylor

Operations Manager



Nicole is Operations Manager at Bowel Research UK.  She undertakes a variety of finance, HR and operational activities to support the charity.

Nicole has worked in the healthcare sector for over 25 years, working previously at the Royal College of Physicians London and the Patient Information Forum.

Beth Valentine

Challenge Events and Community Fundraising Manager



Beth is Challenge Events and Community Fundraising Manager at Bowel Research UK. She is responsible for all income raised from supporters taking part in iconic challenge events including the London Marathon, Royal Parks Half Marathon and London to Paris Cycle, as well as activities such as cake sales.

Beth has over 10 years experience across challenge events and community fundraising, having developed and managed fundraising activities and supported fundraisers at a diverse range of charities including Bowel Cancer UK, her local hospice and the National Autistic Society.


Henry Walter

Supporter Services Manager


Henry is the Supporter Services Manager at Bowel Research UK. He oversees the processing of donation income in line with charity regulations, whilst delivering a high-end supporter experience for our donors. Alongside these primary duties, he also manages database administration and assists with direct marketing.

Henry has over ten years of experience in the charity fundraising sector, having previously worked with the British Red Cross in their Supporter Services Team.



Rachel Gonzaga

Communications Consultant

Rachel is a healthcare communications and patient advocacy consultant
whose experience spans senior agency roles, pharma in-house and
health charity communications.

Rachel runs the Press Office and provides business development and strategic insight for Bowel Research UK communications.

Her experience includes running disease awareness campaigns,
strategic brand and data communications, corporate reputation
building, crisis communications, media training, internal engagement
and patient advocacy.

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