Big Bowel Event 2023


The Big Bowel Event 2023 took place virtually on 7th September 2023. Missed it? You can watch recordings of the sessions on our YouTube channel!

This free virtual patient conference was hosted by Bowel Research UK, in collaboration with Wellcome / EPSRC Centre for Interventional and Surgical Sciences (WEISS) and University College London.

The day started with an introduction and keynote, followed by talks on patient and public involvement from Bowel Research UK’s People and Research Together (PaRT) network. Researchers spoke about their exciting studies into bowel disease and bowel cancer in two afternoon sessions. The day rounded off with a creative writing workshop (not recorded).

10am-10.45am: Introduction and keynote speech from Dr Anisha Patel

11am-12pm: PaRT Life: Tales of patient & public involvement and engagement

  • Nigel Horwood
  • Alicia Cropley
  • Steve Clark

1.30pm-2.30pm: Bowel disease research session

  • The impact of ethnicity on inflammatory bowel disease: phenotype and response to treatment – Dr Horace Williams, Imperial College London

  • Let’s talk about stress: an overview of research linking stress and inflammatory bowel disease – Jacqueline Black, King’s College London

  • Parastomal hernia and shared decision making (from patient to PhD) – Sue Blackwell, University of Birmingham

3pm-4.05pm: Bowel cancer research session and final words

  • Bowel cancer and health inequalities – Reema Huzair, NELFT NHS Foundation Trust

  • New technology in colorectal surgery: robotics, AI and VR – Tom Pampiglione, University College London

  • Visual impairment and bowel screening – Eamonn Dunne, Thomas Pocklington Trust

4.30pm-6pm: After hours creative writing session: “Who am I, again?” Exploring our identities beyond illness through writing (not recorded)

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