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Together, let’s end bowel cancer and bowel disease.
About our research
Bowel Research UK is funding life changing research into bowel cancer and other bowel diseases.
Every year over 16,000 people die from bowel cancer in the UK and over a million suffer from bowel disease.
By researching cutting edge treatments and investing in the best science, we’re saving and improving people’s lives.
We believe that research offers our best chance of curing these conditions, or helping to limit the impact they have on people’s lives.
Find out how research has helped to change save lives:
“I am only alive today because 20 years ago, people funded the research that enabled my surgeon and his team to save my life.”
“What I have learnt is that talking about cancer may be scary, but not talking about it is even scarier.”
“I lost my wonderful, charming and beautiful grandmother (Baa*) aged 95.”